Why you never have the time



We are all aiming towards the holiday decision.  Some of you are gonna celebrate next week’s Thanksgiving. Some of you are already preparing yourself for Christmas and or the next holiday coming or even New Year’s Eve. Today I want you to pop up in this video and speak with me about something that you have been telling me for the entire year and I think is going to be even scarier by the end of the year, which is your time. A lot of you this year you’re telling me “Ysaline, I don’t have the time!”

No, that’s not true. We all have 24 hours in our day, and we’re all choosing what we want to do with our 24 hours. So when you don’t have the time you are choosing not to have the time and actually the reason why is because every action that you do during the day is driven by your fault. Yes, that’s true. Like everything that you are thinking you are burning everything that you are doing during the day. So today I wanted to speak about a review about some of the faults that most of you I know that you have, and which are actually preventing you from mastering your time.

the first fault is: ” I’m not good enough”

             That’s something that a lot of you are thinking and the reason why is that you are not trusting yourself. You are not confident in what you do. You want to do something but you think that you are not skilled at doing it. And you feel maybe you’re an imposter because why are you going to do something if you don’t have any certification as proof. There can be plenty of stuff, which is the reason why you’re thinking you’re not good enough. And every woman should think that they are good enough. When you don’t think this way you are not taking enough action. And the more actions you take the more confident you will be at what you do. And when you think that you are procrastinating because you’re scared of taking action, it’s just because you don’t really know what to do, and you will wonder what people can think, but trust me, if you start taking action, releasing the pressure that you are putting on yourself, you will feel good enough and you will start to be confident, but you need to start taking action in order to do that. Because this fault is taking you a lot of time of thinking, a lot of time of not taking action. So that’s the first one that you should be aware of. And that’s one of the reasons why you are not having enough time.

The second fault is also really powerful: “I’m not a priority”.

            I know a lot of you think that is not a priority. Because a lot of you are a people-pleaser. So you want to please everyone, do everything for everybody and you are the last person of taking care of yourself. The fact is every woman on this earth should be a priority. And you should be your own priority! Because if you’re not taking care of yourself, no one will take care of you. You need to understand “what do you want to do?” And I don’t want you to think about what you SHOULD do, but about what do you WANT to do. You don’t want to invite over your entire family for Christmas? That’s fine! Do you want to go get a massage? Go and get it! Do you want to start your side hustle? Go start your side hustle! Do words are good for you because you’re your own priority. And when you’re doing something that you really love, make it a priority. Because having the time is a matter of choice and commitment. If you are committed to something that you love, it will be your priority. If you’re committed to putting yourself as a priority, you will become the priority. Being a player in your life is the first step to start mastering your time. Because trust me, you will understand what is the stuff that you don’t want to do and what is the stuff that you do want to do and it will boost your energy.

The third fault, which is for all the perfectionists: “it needs to be perfect”

            Breaking news: Perfection doesn’t exist. Perfection is really different from everyone on this earth. But do you think that spending three hours reading the same paragraph, or like 10 hours doing the same thing in order to make it perfect is a solution? No, this is not the solution. In order for you to start mastering your time, you need to take the action! Done is better than perfect. And that is true. Because you can spend hours in your real understanding of what she needs to do and how it should be perfect. Or you can just bring this hour doing productive work, mastering your time doing something that you love, and eventually, you’ll reach your goal. How does that sound? Great right? Yeah.

The fourth fault: “What if I fail?”

            Oh my god. This one is a really, really important one. Because actually most of you are scared of failure. Because you think that failure is the worst thing that can happen in the world. But ask yourself this question: “What is the worst thing that can happen if I fail?” Usually, when you’re asking yourself this question, you have to realize that the worst thing that can happen maybe that you will not please people, but nothing bad will happen out of that, and you need to understand it. Because every time that you are taking an action, if you succeed, great! That’s learning! If you fail, great as well! That’s another learning. I mean, you are learning whether from your success or whether from your failure. But you need to have that in mind. Because being scared of failing is taking you a lot of time procrastinating, because sometimes you don’t know what to do. Or you are scared of doing something wrong. But you need to let go of that if you want to master your time. That’s really important.

The fifth fault: “What are people going to think about me?”

            That’s for all my people pleasers here. First, you don’t need to care.  I don’t want you to look to please other people. The first and most important person you need to please is yourself. You need to love yourself and be confident in yourself. And the fact is like if you are not confident in what you’re looking for accomplishment from other people, you will never get it and you will never be satisfied. You need to please yourself first because once you please yourself, trust me that’s way much easier of letting go of everything else. You are aligned with what you are doing. You trust what you are doing. You know that you are good at what you do. You know that you are on the right track. And that’s all it matters. You don’t need to care about what other people think about you, because their thoughts won’t help you to take action. You are the only one who can do that. And the only way to actually show people that we’re doing amazing is to take action and to believe in yourself.

           So really think about all these negative thoughts:  “Oh, I’m not good enough. I’m not the priority to be perfect. Why do you tell fail? What are other people going to think about me?” I want you to be aware of them and I want you to just put them aside and start taking action because that’s the keynoter to master your time. And that’s how you’re going to start 2022 on the right foot. But the only question that you need to ask yourself and the only question that you need To think about in the upcoming weeks is “What are you going? When are you going to be committed to yourself?” Because that is the key. If you know you are the most important thing, you need to take care of yourself. You will succeed. You will have enough time to reach your goal. Time is not just about time, time it’s about commitment. It’s about being committed to yourself and to what you want. So really think about that. And let me know when are you going to be committed to yourself.

Hey you! I’m glad you are here!

I’m Ysaline, a French time management coach who helps purpose-driven female professionals -just like you- master their time, be more productive and make life-changing money.

I used be the hard-working girl next door, constantly stressed and tired until I couldn’t take it anymore.

It took me years to get where I’m today.

But one thing is sure: making time to find your path, plan your goals, take action to change your life is within your reach.

The last years, I have watched my clients’ lives flourish in unexpected ways. Even if you’re not 100% there for yourself, I’ve got your back!